Source code for portfolio_optimization.components.qubos._qubo_compiler

"""This module contains the ``QuboCompiler`` class.

The ``QuboCompiler`` can create a variety of QUBO formulation by combining different
objectives and constraints with their corresponding penalty or preference parameters.
from __future__ import annotations

from import Callable
from functools import partial
from typing import TypeVar

import numpy as np
from numpy.typing import NDArray

from import PortfolioData

from ._qubo_factory import QuboFactory

QuboCompilerT = TypeVar("QuboCompilerT", bound="QuboCompiler")

[docs]class QuboCompiler: """QuboCompiler - A compiler class for creating QUBO instances. This class provides a convenient interface for combining different QUBO formulations without needing to worry about the qubo size. Methods: - `add_minimize_hhi`: Adds the to minimize HHI QUBO to the compile list. - `add_maximize_roc`: Adds a ROC and optionally a stabilizing QUBO to the compile list. - `add_emission_constraint`: Adds an emission constraint QUBO to the compile list. - `add_growth_factor_constraint`: Adds the growth factor constraint QUBO to the compile list. """
[docs] def __init__(self, portfolio_data: PortfolioData, k: int) -> None: """Init of the ``QuboCompiler`` class. The ``QuboCompiler`` can create a variety of QUBO formulation by combining different objectives and constraints with penalty or preference parameters. Args: portfolio_data: A ``PortfolioData`` object containing the portfolio to optimize. k: The number of bits that are used to represent the outstanding amount for each asset. A fixed point representation is used to represent `$2^k$` different equidistant values in the range `$[LB_i, UB_i]$` for asset i. """ self._qubo_factory = QuboFactory(portfolio_data, k) self._to_compile: list[Callable[[], tuple[NDArray[np.float_], float]]] = [] self._compiled_qubos: list[NDArray[np.float_]] = []
[docs] def add_minimize_hhi( self: QuboCompilerT, ) -> QuboCompilerT: r"""Adds the minimize HHI objective to the compile list. The HHI objective is given by $$HHI(x) = \sum_{i=1}^N\left(\frac{x_i}{\sum_{j=1}^N x_j}\right)^2,$$ where - `$N$` is the total number of assets, - `$x_i$` is the future outstanding amount for asset `$i$`. For the QUBO formulation, see the docs of :py:meth:`~portfolio_optimization.components.qubos.QuboFactory.calc_minimize_hhi`. Returns: Self. """ self._to_compile.append(self._qubo_factory.calc_minimize_hhi) return self
[docs] def add_maximize_roc( self: QuboCompilerT, formulation: int, ancilla_variables: int = 0, ) -> QuboCompilerT: """Adds the maximize ROC objective and based on the chosen formulation a stabilize c constraint. Args: formulation: Integer representing which formulation to pick. If formulation is ``1``, then one QUBO term will be added. If formulation is ``2``, then 2 QUBO terms will be added as well, but the argument `ancilla_variables` must be provided. ancilla_variables: Number of ancilla variables to use for formulation ``2``. Returns: Self. """ if formulation == 1: self._to_compile.append(self._qubo_factory.calc_maximize_roc1) elif formulation == 2: self._qubo_factory.n_vars += ancilla_variables self._to_compile.append(self._qubo_factory.calc_maximize_roc2) self._to_compile.append(self._qubo_factory.calc_stabilize_c) return self
[docs] def add_emission_constraint( self: QuboCompilerT, emission_now: str, emission_future: str | None = None, reduction_percentage_target: float = 0.7, ) -> QuboCompilerT: r"""Adds the emission constraint to the compile list. The constraint is given by .. math:: \frac{\sum_{i=1}^Nf_i \cdot x_i}{\sum_{i=1}^N x_i} = g_e \frac{\sum_{i=1}^Ne_i \cdot y_i}{\sum_{i=1}^N y_i}, where: - `$x_i$` is the future outstanding amount for asset `$i$`, - `$y_i$` is the current outstanding amount for asset `$i$`, - `$e_i$` is the current emission intensity for asset `$i$`, - `$f_i$` is the expected emission intensity at the future for asset `$i$`, - `$g_e$` is the target value for the relative emission reduction. For the QUBO formulation, see the docs of :py:meth:`~portfolio_optimization.components.qubos.QuboFactory.calc_emission_constraint`. Args: emission_now: Name of the column in the portfolio dataset corresponding to the variables at current time. emission_future: Name of the column in the portfolio dataset corresponding to the variables at future time. If no value is provided, it is assumed that the value is constant over time, i.e., the variable ``emission_now`` will be used. reduction_percentage_target: target value for reduction percentage amount. Returns: Self. """ method = partial( self._qubo_factory.calc_emission_constraint, emission_now=emission_now, emission_future=emission_future, reduction_percentage_target=reduction_percentage_target, ) self._to_compile.append(method) return self
[docs] def add_growth_factor_constraint( self: QuboCompilerT, growth_target: float ) -> QuboCompilerT: # pylint: disable=line-too-long r"""Adds the capital growth factor constraint to the compile list. The constraint is given by $$\frac{\sum_{i=1}^N x_i}{\sum_{i=1}^N y_i} = g_c,$$ where - `$N$` is the total number of assets, - `$x_i$` is the future outstanding amount for asset `$i$`, - `$y_i$` is the current outstanding amount for asset `$i$`, - `$g_c$` is the target value for the total growth factor. For the QUBO formulation, see the docs of :py:meth:`~portfolio_optimization.components.qubos.QuboFactory.calc_growth_factor_constraint`. Args: growth_target: target value for growth factor total outstanding amount. Returns: Self. """ # pylint: enable=line-too-long method = partial( self._qubo_factory.calc_growth_factor_constraint, growth_target=growth_target, ) self._to_compile.append(method) return self
[docs] def compile(self: QuboCompilerT) -> QuboCompilerT: """Compiles all QUBOs in the compile list. Returns: Self.""" self._compiled_qubos = [] for constructor in self._to_compile: qubo, _ = constructor() self._compiled_qubos.append(qubo) return self
[docs] def make_qubo(self, *lambdas: float) -> tuple[NDArray[np.float_], float]: """Makes a QUBO of the entire problem with the given lambdas. Args: lambdas: Scaling parameters for each QUBO in the formulation. Returns: Tuple containing the QUBO matrix and offset. """ if len(lambdas) != len(self._compiled_qubos): raise ValueError( "Number of lambdas does not correspond with the number of Hamiltonians." ) qubo = sum( ( lambda_i * qubo_i for lambda_i, qubo_i in zip(lambdas, self._compiled_qubos) ), start=np.zeros_like(self._compiled_qubos[0]), ) return qubo, float("nan")