"""This module implements required post processing steps."""
from __future__ import annotations
from collections.abc import Mapping
import numpy as np
from dimod import SampleSet
from numpy.typing import ArrayLike, NDArray
from scipy.spatial import ConvexHull # pylint: disable=no-name-in-module
from tno.quantum.problems.portfolio_optimization.components.io import PortfolioData
[docs]class Decoder:
"""``Decoder`` class for decoding samples and samplesets."""
[docs] def __init__(
portfolio_data: PortfolioData,
k: int,
) -> None:
Init for the ``Decoder`` Class.
portfolio_data: A ``PortfolioData`` object containing the portfolio to
k: The number of bits that are used to represent the outstanding amount for
each asset. A fixed point representation is used to represent `$2^k$`
different equidistant values in the range `$[LB_i, UB_i]$` for asset i.
self.number_of_assets = len(portfolio_data)
self.k = k
self.mantissa = np.power(2, np.arange(self.k))
self.l_bound = portfolio_data.get_l_bound()
self.u_bound = portfolio_data.get_u_bound()
self.multiplier = (self.u_bound - self.l_bound) / (2**self.k - 1)
[docs] def decode_sample(self, sample: Mapping[int, int]) -> NDArray[np.float_]:
"""Decodes a sample to the `oustanding_future` array.
sample: Sample as returned by D-Wave.
Array containing all `outstanding future` values.
sample_array = np.array(
[sample[i] for i in range(self.number_of_assets * self.k)], dtype=np.uint8
sample_reshaped = sample_array.reshape((self.number_of_assets, self.k))
ints = np.sum(sample_reshaped * self.mantissa, axis=1)
outstanding_future = self.l_bound + self.multiplier * ints
if (self.l_bound > outstanding_future).any() or (
self.u_bound < outstanding_future
raise ValueError("Bounds not obeyed.")
return np.asarray(outstanding_future, dtype=np.float_)
[docs] def decode_sampleset(self, sampleset: SampleSet) -> NDArray[np.float_]:
"""Efficiently decodes a `sampleset` create a matrix of `oustanding_future`
Each row in the matrix corresponds to a different sample in the `sampleset`.
sampleset: ``SampleSet`` as returned by D-Wave.
Matrix containing all `outstanding future` values.
samples_matrix = sampleset.record.sample[:, : self.number_of_assets * self.k]
samples_reshaped = samples_matrix.reshape(
(len(sampleset), self.number_of_assets, self.k)
ints = np.sum(samples_reshaped * self.mantissa, axis=2)
outstanding_future = self.l_bound + self.multiplier * ints
if (self.l_bound > outstanding_future).any() or (
self.u_bound < outstanding_future
raise ValueError("Bounds not obeyed.")
return np.asarray(outstanding_future, dtype=np.float_)
[docs]def pareto_front(
xvals: ArrayLike,
yvals: ArrayLike,
min_points: int = 50,
upper_right_quadrant: bool = True,
) -> tuple[NDArray[np.float_], NDArray[np.float_]]:
"""Calculates the pareto front with at least min_points data points by repeatedly
creating a convex hull around data points.
xvals: x-values of data points
yvals: y-values of data points
min_points: minimum number of points to be selected
upper_right_quadrant: If ``True``, only show the upper right quadrant of the
pareto front.
x, y values of the points that are on the pareto front
points = np.vstack((xvals, yvals)).T
points = np.unique(points, axis=0)
if len(points) < 3:
return points.T[0], points.T[1]
hull = ConvexHull(points)
pareto_points = points[hull.vertices]
# Expand the pareto front so that it contains at least min_points.
for _ in range(min_points):
if len(pareto_points) >= min_points:
# Remove current hull vertices from data and create a new hull
points = np.delete(points, hull.vertices, axis=0)
if len(points) < 3:
hull = ConvexHull(points)
# Add the new hull vertices to the pareto front
new_points = points[hull.vertices]
pareto_points = np.vstack((pareto_points, new_points))
if upper_right_quadrant:
pareto_points = _get_upper_quadrant(pareto_points)
if upper_right_quadrant:
pareto_points = _get_upper_quadrant(pareto_points)
return pareto_points.T[0], pareto_points.T[1]
def _get_upper_quadrant(points: NDArray[np.float_]) -> NDArray[np.float_]:
"""Removes all values that are not in the upper right quadrant of the pareto front."""
x_values = points.T[0]
y_values = points.T[1]
x_bound = x_values[np.argmax(y_values)]
y_bound = y_values[np.argmax(x_values)]
mask = (x_values >= x_bound) & (y_values >= y_bound)
x_values = x_values[mask]
y_values = y_values[mask]
return np.vstack((x_values, y_values)).T