"""Base class for detector objects."""
from __future__ import annotations
from abc import ABC
from typing import Any, List, Optional
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
# pylint: disable=invalid-name
DEFAULT_POLARIZATION_DRIFT = np.arcsin(np.sqrt(0.015))
[docs]class Detector(ABC):
"""Class for the detectors to be used in the key-rate estimates."""
required_fields = [
[docs] def __init__(
name: str,
jitter_source: float,
jitter_detector: float,
dead_time: float,
detection_window: float,
efficiency_system: float,
polarization_drift: float = DEFAULT_POLARIZATION_DRIFT,
error_detector: float = DEFAULT_ERROR_DETECTOR,
dark_count_frequency: Optional[float] = None,
dark_count_rate: Optional[float] = None,
detection_frequency: Optional[float] = None,
interval: Optional[float] = None,
efficiency_detector: Optional[float] = None,
efficiency_party: Optional[float] = None,
) -> None:
Initialise a Detector instance.
name: Label of the detector party
jitter_source: Time-delay introduced at the source
jitter_detector: Time-delay introduced at the detector
dead_time: The recovery time before a new event can be recorded
detection_window: Time window used for event detection
efficiency_system: Efficiency of the detecting side without the detector
polarization_drift: Shift/drift in the encoding of the photons
error_detector: Error-rate of detector
dark_count_frequency: Number of dark-counts per second
dark_count_rate: Number of dark-counts per detection window
detection_frequency: Number of detection windows per second
interval: Length of a single detection window in seconds
efficiency_detector: Efficiency of the detector on the detecting side
efficiency_party: Total efficiency of the detecting side
If related optional arguments are both given they must satisfy
- $\text{interval} = \frac{1}{\text{detection_frequency}}$
- $\text{dark_count_frequency} = \text{dark_count_rate} \cdot \text{detection_frequency}$
- $\text{efficiency_party} = \text{efficiency_system} \cdot \text{efficiency_detector}$
If they are not given, they are calculated using the same formulas.
Detector instance with specified parameters.
ValueError: If a required field is missing.
ValueError: If a needed optional field is missing.
AssertionError: If inconsistent related optional fields are provided.
self.name = name
self.jitter_source = jitter_source
self.jitter_detector = jitter_detector
self.dead_time = dead_time
self.detection_window = detection_window
self.efficiency_system = efficiency_system
self.polarization_drift = polarization_drift
self.error_detector = error_detector
self.dark_count_frequency = dark_count_frequency
self.dark_count_rate = dark_count_rate
self.detection_frequency = detection_frequency
self.interval = interval
self.efficiency_detector = efficiency_detector
self.efficiency_party = efficiency_party
for k in self.required_fields:
if self.__dict__[k] is None:
raise ValueError(f"Field '{k}' is required field.")
# Handle optional fields
if interval is None and detection_frequency is None:
raise ValueError(
"Either the field 'interval' or 'detection_frequency' is required."
if interval is not None and detection_frequency is not None:
assert abs(interval - 1 / detection_frequency) < 10e-6
if interval is None:
self.interval = 1 / self.detection_frequency
if detection_frequency is None:
self.detection_frequency = 1 / self.interval
if dark_count_rate is None and dark_count_frequency is None:
raise ValueError(
"Either the field 'dark_count_rate' or 'dark_count_frequency' is required."
if dark_count_rate is not None and dark_count_frequency is not None:
assert (dark_count_rate - dark_count_frequency * self.interval) < 10e-6
if dark_count_rate is None:
self.dark_count_rate = self.dark_count_frequency * self.interval
if dark_count_frequency is None:
self.dark_count_frequency = self.dark_count_rate * self.detection_frequency
if efficiency_party is None and efficiency_detector is None:
raise ValueError(
"Either the field 'efficiency_party' or 'efficiency_detector' is required."
if efficiency_party is not None and efficiency_detector is not None:
assert (
efficiency_party - self.efficiency_system * efficiency_detector
) < 10e-6
if efficiency_party is None:
self.efficiency_party = self.efficiency_system * self.efficiency_detector
if efficiency_detector is None:
self.efficiency_detector = self.efficiency_party / self.efficiency_system
[docs] @classmethod
def from_file(cls, path: str) -> List[Detector]:
Construct Detectors from csv file.
path: Path to csv file.
df = pd.read_csv(path, delimiter=";")
df = df.replace({np.nan: None})
return [cls(**detector_kwargs) for detector_kwargs in df.to_dict("records")]
[docs] def customise(
name: Optional[str] = None,
jitter_source: Optional[float] = None,
jitter_detector: Optional[float] = None,
dead_time: Optional[float] = None,
detection_window: Optional[float] = None,
efficiency_system: Optional[float] = None,
polarization_drift: Optional[float] = None,
error_detector: Optional[float] = None,
dark_count_frequency: Optional[float] = None,
dark_count_rate: Optional[float] = None,
detection_frequency: Optional[float] = None,
interval: Optional[float] = None,
efficiency_detector: Optional[float] = None,
efficiency_party: Optional[float] = None,
) -> Detector:
"""Create a detector with customised parameter from current detector
See :py:meth:`~__init__` for parameter description.
new_parameters = dict(**self.__dict__)
if jitter_source is not None:
if jitter_detector is not None:
if dead_time is not None:
if detection_window is not None:
if efficiency_system is not None:
if polarization_drift is not None:
if error_detector is not None:
if dark_count_frequency is not None or dark_count_rate is not None:
if detection_frequency is not None or interval is not None:
if efficiency_detector is not None or efficiency_party is not None:
new_name = name if name is not None else self.name + "(adjusted)"
return Detector(**new_parameters)
[docs] def get_parameters(self) -> dict[str, Any]:
"""Get all parameters of the Detector"""
return dict(**self.__dict__)
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f"Detector:{self.name}"